Well, this post is may seem like an extremely discouraging read for those who are out there to find love. My friends, a big lesson to be learnt in life is: when you really want to find love, you’ve got to stop looking for it! I am not being a slightly optimistic but majorly pessimistic person here, but if you look around yourself, and observe all the successful relationships out there, you’ll see the mantra working everywhere. The guy and girl just bump into each other out of nowhere and take off their ambiguous flight to the land of Love. Yes, I can hear imaginary grunts in disagreement but well you can’t deny that most relationships which start off like that end up in success. Another key to a successful relationship; Expect nothing but three things from your partner: love(Duh! Of course), respect (never compromise on that), and a lot of trust(seems like you’ve heard that before,eh?) But hey! Here is the twist! You just can’t go on expecting all of this without giving any of the same. Anticipating gratification or delectation is very easy but committing yourself to be equally devoted is a tough call. I’ve seen fallouts where partners just can’t hold on to their loved ones because they start to take the whole affair flippantly. Your boyfriend is ready to do WHATEVER you want at the drop of a hat, he will. Why be grateful huh? He ought to do that! No ma’am, he isn’t getting paid for a thankless job here. Ensure that you bestow upon your partner all the respect they deserve and even if you suck at making them feel special, make them feel valued. But hang on a second there, this is becoming a regular “What to do when in love” post. And clearly I am drifting away from what I was meant to talk about in the post. I am about to sound very flaky in the rest of my post and this may put an end to my little journey as a writer. I have always written(whenever and whatever I have) about love, be it poetry or stories or just a regular piece of writing. It has been about the joys of love, about the sorrows of parting from love, about waiting for love, and about unrequited love. But now, I kind of don’t believe in love. What I mean is, I know it exists, and it continues to be the best feeling in the world but I now refuse to believe in a certain kind of love. Thank the almightly, as trust in filial love is intact, but I have wavering faith in conjugal love. Not because of a sad history or anything, just because I have developed this utterly depressing notion that all good things actually come to an end, and love being the best thing ends just when you aren’t expecting it to. Some people make it end pertaining to a fear that it may actually turn out to be unbearably painful and they fail to trust the one person they should. Some fear venturing into the possibilities of love and nip it in the bud right before it can blossom into anything exquisite (yeah there are such stupid people for real!) I won’t be insensitive toward that bunch of people, because I can comprehend how it must feel! Sometimes a person is so shattered inside that, any form of resurrection seems unlikely. But what should be done? Is giving up on the idea of love entirely (like me) the right way? Maybe shutting oneself in darkness and refusing to heal the wound with anyone’s help seem the most appropriate way out. But I must tell you a secret here. Though I doubt the possibility that love can last forever, I just can’t bring myself to doubt its power. Don’t worry I am not compelling communism on myself (filial love is intact, remember)
But yes, I trust in love’s divinity, I firmly believe that if a person is truly loved, her/his life can be filled with incredible happiness and optimism. Love can mend a broken heart. But how long will that broken heart beat is relative. Now the ‘conditions apply*’ right there, pisses me off. Perhaps, this is the reason why I can’t place faith in love entirely. This post doesn’t make perfect sense and perhaps I haven’t my point clearly. Perhaps, I did not want to make a point at all. All I want is for you guys to take some time out and ponder love thoroughly. Being the “slightly optimistic majorly pessimistic” person that I am, I have this teeny weeny hope ignited, that love shall prevail over all adversity and it shall define a whole new infinitude for me someday. I just want its everlastingness to blow my mind! Till then let’s keep our fingers crossed and hopes high (Love overdose, much?) P.S. Love maybe hanging around at your doorstep, watch out but don’t just sit there waiting for it. If its meant to enter your life, it will and with a bang
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